By Craig Andresen on June 4, 2014 at 5:22 am
Article Co-Written by Diane Sori
It’s time to connect the dots and the picture is not a pretty one especially for those who have, over the past five years, invested their time, energy and emotions into keeping Bowe Bergdahl top of mind. Truth be told, these good people, with their hearts squarely in the right place, were supporting a deserter and quite possibly a traitor because, the TRUTH of Bowe Bergdahl was being hidden FROM them by a regime who knew full well Bergdahl’s situation but intended to use him to further its own agenda at a time most expedient to its own well-being.
And why didn’t we learn ANY of this from those in the military who DID know the truth?
Because of military code. You don’t say what you know about a brother in arms while that brother is being held by the enemy…even if he’s a deserter but once Bergdahl was set free, the flood gates opened.
First of all…Bowe Bergdahl. How exactly was he…”captured” by the Taliban on June 30th, 2009 leading to his five years of…”captivity?”
According to those who served with PRIVATE Bergdahl at the time, he was “a little out there” and not at all fond of the military. As reported by Rolling Stone back in 2010, Bergdahl had sent a number of emails to his parents during his short time in Afghanistan and they printed excerpts:
“The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at. It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools, and bullies. The few good SGTs are getting out as soon as they can, and they are telling us privates to do the same.”
“I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live.”
And apparently, in his last email before being “captured” Bergdahl wrote that he had sent home his uniforms and books telling his parents…
The post Bowe’s Release: The Truth Exposed…Part 4 of 4 appeared first on Tea Party Tribune.